Tuesday 8 October 2013


The Word Memory brings smiles or sadness to people's lives. Some memories are unforgettable,some memories are hard to be forgotten even if you try, sounds ironic? Well how often have you tried to get something off your mind but still cannot? One may answer by saying, it's because you resist to forget, another can answer by saying I tried for years but I cannot forget, Ok enough about that question.

We still on memories~ Often times we find ourselves in situations we never imagined, in places we never even thought of, doing everything we want and how we want, any Idea where I'm going with this? Well let me break it down step by step, from early stages of maturing you had advantages of being taught, you learned, made mistakes and learned again from mistakes as time progresses.

"Take a moment to remember what happened in your life 2years ago, not 10 not 5 but two years ago", imagine it from the way you looked, viewed life,studied,partied,loved,worked etc.

 Ok now that you did that task can you then differentiate the two years to today? Is it still the same?yes?no?. If the answer is yes, well you must be loving comfort, if No, mmmmh very interesting, you know why because you have build a memories hence you can tell the difference. I hope you in line with what I'm saying, or not...? Well let me break it down some more for you&get to the point, surely you getting there now.

Your Memories are Worth It regardless of how bad or great they can be..
In order for you to learn from a mistake you did, you look back on you previous mistake and find a way to change the strategy to fixing the problem: one might ask how do I find that strategy and how will I know if I am making the right choice or not, well truth is even a genius needs abit of help once in awhile, so if you tried becoming a better you using the same strategy of relying on your own decision, well it doesn't always work like that, don't get me wrong you make the final decision but guidance and knowledge is required to make your decision. 

Please memorize that "You cannot rely only on your own understanding, accept that sometimes you need help and guidance". Yes, Memories we are still here, Let's say it happened that you made your parent, teacher or anyone who you look upto proud one day, what do you get on that day?Compliments, acknowledgment and appreciation of your success,what do you do when such an event happen?you become happy,proud & confident for such a breakthrough, again what's all this?,you guessed it/Not its Memories. 

Everything that happens in your life it's a memory and the wonderful things about memories is that you get to carry them throughout your lifetime and they help you in making better choices and becoming a better person in the process. You might be reading now and thinking but what about the disturbing,emotional,hurting,embarrassing memories that just tear you apart just thinking about them, well it's simple and straight forward We all want to be the best, we all want best health, best families,best friends,best lovers, best lives, we want we want but Reality is we can't always get the best that we want, when we want,ok enough about the wants. 

Please take this moment to remember the pains you went through from a loss, failure ,being abused or hurt, no a nice request hey*teary eyes* well painful, sad as it was you are still here and standing strong, meaning it wasn't easy but it was worth it because you managed to be this far, yes you managed,even if you still haven't healed properly, you have survived and still can survive more.

 Don't settle for people Judging you, or feeding you with worlds like all that you are it's because of me, all that you have its because of me...no no no I mean who's that to say that to you, God?I didn't think so. So your growth #Memories have really helped you to be where you are today and regardless of how they were they carried you through. Yesterday was another day of one among many memories in your life,you are here today focusing ahead with yesterday's memory.

Remember at the beginning we spoke about mistakes and doing good?well if you do, you really are following. So to summarize that statement of memories of mistakes and memories of doing good: "You become a better person from the mistakes that you did".
 "You are not wrong to have mistakes, it's a learning process which prepares you for your future".
You are not born to be a failure, or to give up on life, You are born to make something good with your life, no matter how big or small, it is all worth it"surely you know that it's the little things you do that counts, so if your talent on earth is to make that then its all worth it". Even you with a bigger purpose in life, it's worth it as well. The good memories you have can open many doors for you, or they can close many doors for you, surprised? Well yes it is possible because at some point one tend to think I'm good so what! No one can tell me anything !!!big NO monitor your attitude and approach to your life and actions, even you with the mistakes you did, don't think if you don't learn from them you will be any better, you'll still be on point A stack from moving ahead...back to the good the pride you brought when you made that breakthrough can really take you places and make you to be more focused and determined,so be grateful and take note of your memories of life.

Memories are beautiful, 
Memories are sad,
Memories bring darkness,
Memories bring light,
Memories build you,
Memories break you,
Memories are all in your hands,
Memories can guide you & 
You can choose what you want to
 do with your Memories.

RealTalkWithNthabi concludes this section by saying this : Appreciate every single memory you have and often look back from where it all began, and count your successes out of all the past & present memories. If you choose to avoid your past memories,you aren't forced to remember them, your choice might work for you and not for someone else, so basically do what makes you happy, at the end of every word, sentence, every level or Journey a choice&decision must be made & you make that final choice. You wish for the best memories, that will make your life worth living, that will bring smiles on your face right?Ok then,Happy Memories to you, may they bring love,joy,success,peace&forgiveness in your heart. 

Thanks for taking your time to read Memories, appreciated.

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