Monday 17 September 2012

Attitude Changes Everything

" Your attitude will tell If your ship sinks or not"

Often at times we are unable to differenciate between a good attitude and a bad attitude, some reasons mite be because of the company you associate yourself with, the pressure that you get from your friends, or peers.
Little do we know that your attitude doesn't need to be determined by any of the above. It's something that has to start with you.
If you wake up each day without making your bed, bathing, helping with domestic work at home on weekends or always complain when you have to go to school or work then you putting your life at risk in terms of growing, maturing and making something better with your life.

Note that no-one will force you into doing something you don't want to do.
 A person can only try to advice you, it then becames your own personal choice wether you take it or not.

Something that is important in your life should be
first priority, like your education for example. This is one thing that
no one can take from you. It will build your tommorow and help you achieve all you ever want in life.
There's a difference in dreaming big, yet not putting any efford on making the dream come true. If you change the way you do things in life, starting with the smallest, you will not struggle in amking big decisions, because the power of your attitude is in your hands and you are the only person to make that change.


What is a skill?

A skill is the learned capacity to carry out pre-determined results often with the minimum outlay of time, energy, or both.
In order to identify your skill the most important thing you have to focus on is firstly identifying your strengths and weaknesses.
We have different types of skills
  • Personal
  • Education, Technical or Talent 
  • Work                         
The first important skill is your personal skill,
Why?well before you can develop any other skill, you have to know
what you want first as an idividual.
The world that will live in today, on various countries e.g South Africa, Germany, India e.t.c opportunities are made available for communities, learners, students and unemployed graduates, meaning theres no excuse in terms of available opportunities around the world.

As an undergraduate I have obseved that we often ignore the most important things in ourlives that would help us grow and succeed in life. I can make an example with google search, this search engine has made our lives easy, anything you need your able to find on google, but often at times we want to be pushed to be successful yet we have opportunities to stand and do it ourselves.
Having skills can take you to greater heights of life and with your skills you are more powerful because that is among others something you excell on.
So you do not need to firstly graduate to identify your skills, you need not to get employed first to identify your skills, it all starts with you as a person and your effford in the important things be it , your education, personal life, job e.t.c.
Give yourself time to work on your skills, to become a better person , a better employee or boss for that matter because with your skills the sky is the limit and you can achieve anything if you aquire the correct skills.
Good Luck on doing that and note that it all starts with you, develop yourself then develop the nation.

Thursday 13 September 2012

~ I Had It ~ I Had You **:**:**

When do yo realize what you had?
When do you realize what you want and what you need?
When do you realize the feeling you have?

Life Is a journey, its path is smooth and narrow at times
Love on the other hand it's known by the beholder.

You're only as tall as your heart will be and
 you're only as small the world will make you see.
 How is your world today? Is it the same as yesterday?
Is it worse or better than yesterday?
The choices that you made yesterday reflects to your life  today and  today's choices will be determined  tomorrow, even in future.

Often enough we make decisions without firstly thinking... We don't ask ourselves this questions
Is the decision I am making right?
Who Is going to be affected and how?
How will that change things around me or my life in general?
Well this are the things we don't think of or things we ignorant about.

**I had It** I had You, this is that moment when you realize that the only best thing you had,slipped out of your hands, the pain of knowing you once had something that was very valuable, someone who really cared and wanted nothing but the best for you.
Reality of life Is that you don't always get what you want, truth is often at times you have a chance to get what you want but because of the choices you make you end up letting all you had slip out of your finger tips.

It's always best to appreciate what you have
at all times because you never know when you'll wake up
one day and realize that all you had is now gone, and never coming back.
Its not all times when you make the right choice, as human you ant perfect, 
you slip up at times and realize later that you took the wrong turn.
From a personal point of view, it's not easy to cope knowing you took a wrong choice, for which you cannot turn back to fix it.
It's said that time heals but does it really?? years passed for me and the pain and guild of breaking someone's heart still follows me at all times.
You know as you grow and mature over time you begin to see things with a different eye, you begin to understand what matters the most and what your heart really wants and need. That's why  its important to value the real best thing in your life when you still have the chance, to avoid wishing you did things differently.
Love has no expect, because it comes
in different ways with different emotions, everyone's experience
is different. So you can have views or opinions but without experiencing it you can't really know how it feels.
                     ************ You will never know what you had until Its gone, You also don't know 
                                                                                    what you have if you don't appreciate it at                                                                                                hand. 
Don't spend another day of your life wishing, make the right choices that will benefit you in future, you can have everything in the world but if your heart still longs for something that completes your soul, you will not be free.
I humbly edge you to love yourself enough to know what's write and best for you