Thursday 10 October 2013

Invest In Yourself

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. 
― Mother Teresa

Hi there, before you can begin with understanding the topic:Invest in yourself, let me ask you this, how often have you heard this questions, What can you tell me about yourself? you get this question from a person you just met, your friend, lecturer or from an interviewer.

Now how do you answer this question?Well believe it or not there are many ways to answer this question, also your response is often influenced by the type of audience you engaging with. For example when answering this type of question , you have to note that as much as you are asked to talk about yourself , you must be selective and have an area of focus, area of focus doesn't mean you are making limitations on what you have to say but selecting specific words about yourself. 

The simplest example again can be the difference between talking to your parents or friends. 
This can be a question that is misunderstood or noted more but truth is, it is very important, it teaches you about understanding your own self.

Investing in yourself means you build something of your own, something that will be of good use to your life and future. 
It's important to understand why you need to invest in yourself, as an individual you have the final word to what you need in life, especially if your at a mature age where you are able to make your own decisions.
Every person on earth was born having both a mother and a father, but not everyone was raised with both a mother and a father. Being raised by one parent has it's own challenges, similar to being raised by two parent but at the end of the day you are raised. Often times we are told that Charity begins at home, meaning from the time of your birth, how you are raised and taught the house rules until your parent/s take you to varsity or allow you to leave your own life. I will not dwell much on how you should be raised but simply say the type of environment you where raised in cannot determine the way you want to leave in future. The knowledge you have acquired and  choices that you make help to determine your outcomes in life, also your lifespan is dictated by your responsibility.

Dependence and Independence: You are depended if you still get rely on someone else,e.g parents and you are independent if you are not relying on the help of anyone.
Explaining this two keywords is mainly to differentiate the roles and responsibilities of a person as they grow. 

Ways to Invest in yourself
  • Do the things that make you happy,
    e.g play sports, join gym, ice skating,go for a holiday

  • Educate yourself
    Attend career seminors, leadership events

  • Obtain your learning certificates and degrees
    Study a course you love and make something of your life out of it

  • Start your own business
    Invest in what you have learned by making it pay off

  • Volunteer to help disadvantaged people
    Be a helping hand to the needy. 
    Teach someone else what you know

  • Set your own target of achievements
    Manage your time and note your progress

  • Have a structured plan of what you want to accomplish

You might be reading this and thinking, but i don't leave alone on earth I have a family, friends,kids,lover
If I invest in myself what about them?
Well as we said in the beginning , you alone can make your own choices, investing in yourself thus not make it difficult to care or consider others, but note that before anyone else its You and You alone. Before you got into a relationship /marriage, it was just you. Before you got a kids, it was you or friends it was just you, so investing in you helps you to became a better person in life.

If you are not happy, it's difficult to make the next person happy. It is through you where you get to find the real joy and happiness before you can give it to someone else. Have a stage in your life where you also want to see yourself paying for your studies, having your own secured job, home, car ,family etc. That is investing in yourself because that degree or job you have will open doors for you, that business that you have will take care of your family one day. It is no different if your a man or a woman bottom line is you must have your own independence and stability. If there is something that can never be taken away from you is your Knowledge, and you get that by Learning, which makes it important for you to be friends with being educated, because it is the key many closed doors waiting to be opened.
Do not wait for tomorrow, take advantage of the opportunities in front of you and make that investment. It might not give you the results same time but as time progresses it will all pay off. The best thing about this investment is that it will not only benefit you but it will benefit those around you. It can be your family or anyone who looks up to you, therefore your personal investment can be rewarding to you and those around you.

Do not worry yourself about the downfalls you come across in life, just have the courage to keep moving forward no matter the situation. You will get compliments and you will be criticized for what you do but as long as you believe in yourself enough to know that you are confidently stepping on your path to becoming a better you. 
Invest in your life today, believe that you are where you are today for a purpose, let not your yesterdays stop you from enjoying life or stop you from achieving anything you believe and set your mind into.
As you begin your Journey, best wishes goes to you...while you at it don't forget that you will come across trials and tribulations of life just hold on and never give up. ~Keep it real & Thanks for reading. 

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