Friday 25 October 2013


Let's talk about beauty. Today i want you to answer this questions:
What is the meaning behind the word beauty?
What determines beauty?
Does beauty define you as a person?
The Article focuses mainly on ladies, hence we really cannot say a guy is beautiful, there's no logic in that, having said that this article includes guys as well since they are able to compliment the beauty a lady poses.

Somewhere in your life you've met that lady who's so beautiful that you even wished you could look like her, #Thumbs Down
There is nothing wrong in complimenting someone's beauty, but don't say I wish I could look like her, everyone has their own beauty and we all beautiful in our own way, so love the beauty you are blessed with and be proud to be looking the way you do.
You have also met that lady who always believed that with the beauty that I have I can have anything that I want, I can get any man I want, no one can tell me anything. #Another Thumbs_Down.

Agree with me that you are beautiful in your own way and that words cannot bring you down, just like Christina says on her song, but the way you carry yourself and use your beauty is important. We are surrounded by models, people who make beauty a career, who makes a living with their beauty in the right way,the right way I mean going to a beauty/model school to be trained to that cover lady etc. 
If you use your beauty by sleeping with a boss to get that Job or to get those designer clothes it's really not worth it, it clearly says you are disrespecting your beautiful self. Don't get me wrong"at the end of the day is your personal choice".
Guys when you see a beautiful lady and get attracted to her, somethings that you have to note is the beauty inside, let that be the main thing that attracts you to her. Don't confuse being captivated by the way she looks with the way you feel about her, because sometimes you would think you in love with her but only to find that you just admire her beauty, if that's how it is then just admire. One the point of admiring : Big up to all the guys who complement their ladies with how beautiful they look and respecting them at all times, ladies really like that.... keep it up. "This is open for discussion guys, you know better that a lady can explain,after all it happens to you".

Ladies if wearing make-up makes you feel beautiful, then wear it,
if you feel beautiful wearing that short skirt or dress, why not..
Don't limit yourself on the things that makes you feel good about yourself and please do respect that beauty and nurture it because you can determine if it will remain or fade away. I mean you are your own best friend, so if you abuse yourself, you have no one but yourself to blame. 
What i mean about abusing yourself is not taking good care of yourself and doing any negative thing in the name of beauty.

You are beautiful in your own special way, don't compare yourself with someone else, what you can learn from another person is to value and respect yourself. You might not have the perfect body or looks as the common tag line used every time says, but I say who's perfect anyway? we created differently and the confidence that you have and the beauty within is worth it.
Love and appreciate yourself as you are, if someone doesn't like the way you are, don't worry you really cannot please everyone, there is someone out there who loves u as you are, who respects you as you are and who will never compare you to any other beautiful lady."You are beautiful in your own way,never doubt that and don't loose that confidence." 
Don't loose your touch by just being ordinary, be extra ordinary and always look and feel good.

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