Monday 21 October 2013

Don't Worry, Be Happy

When you think of the word happiness, you just smile and glow. 
Fact is this is one of the most common things people relate with, that is being happy.

If one can ask you to list all the things that makes you happy, surely you would fill up a note book with over a 100 pages.

Where does happiness come from and when does one realize they are happy???
Someone out there is reading this and what comes to mind is love makes me happy. Often you've found friends talking, " I wish to get a man / woman that makes me happy,"hold it right there! are you saying your happiness lies on finding that man or woman?,no need to answer this one now, maybe later.

Happiness is an emotion or a feeling that one has in a positive way, influenced by positive things. 
The best happiness you can find is from within, agree or disagree?? which ever one you decide you have your reasons. Let's get to this...

You, yes you can bring happiness into your life, often times you get faced with the challenges of life, some are good, some are not so pleasant, you rise and fall, you love , get heartbroken ..the list goes on, as hard as it could be, a smile, laughter,joy and yes happiness is needed always.

#Happiness Advice

Find something that makes you feel good about yourself, it can be
  •  going to watch a movies at a cinema(not at your house)
  • going to your favorite clothing shop for that designer shoe or shirt
  • attending a concert,playing sports. etc

    The list continues, Note that your happiness is complete once it starts with you, don't make a mistake of relying on someone else to make you happy, because you and only you knows what makes you happy, just imagine if you didn't know what makes you happy, would you expect the next person to know?didn't think so. So make an introspection of what makes you tick and brings a smile to your face. Don't worry about what others would say or think about you, don't compromise your happiness, truth is you understand how you feel more that anyone else.

Let today be the day where you stop limiting yourself from being happy. Life is too short to always be in pain, lamenting day in day out, kick the negativity out of your way and do you. 

Don't forget to invite the people who make you more happier than you already are in your life,
It can be your friend, your lover ...u mention it 
Don't shut them out, share that joy, smile and happiness with the ones who deserve it.

Be Happy!!

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