Friday 25 October 2013


Let's talk about beauty. Today i want you to answer this questions:
What is the meaning behind the word beauty?
What determines beauty?
Does beauty define you as a person?
The Article focuses mainly on ladies, hence we really cannot say a guy is beautiful, there's no logic in that, having said that this article includes guys as well since they are able to compliment the beauty a lady poses.

Somewhere in your life you've met that lady who's so beautiful that you even wished you could look like her, #Thumbs Down
There is nothing wrong in complimenting someone's beauty, but don't say I wish I could look like her, everyone has their own beauty and we all beautiful in our own way, so love the beauty you are blessed with and be proud to be looking the way you do.
You have also met that lady who always believed that with the beauty that I have I can have anything that I want, I can get any man I want, no one can tell me anything. #Another Thumbs_Down.

Agree with me that you are beautiful in your own way and that words cannot bring you down, just like Christina says on her song, but the way you carry yourself and use your beauty is important. We are surrounded by models, people who make beauty a career, who makes a living with their beauty in the right way,the right way I mean going to a beauty/model school to be trained to that cover lady etc. 
If you use your beauty by sleeping with a boss to get that Job or to get those designer clothes it's really not worth it, it clearly says you are disrespecting your beautiful self. Don't get me wrong"at the end of the day is your personal choice".
Guys when you see a beautiful lady and get attracted to her, somethings that you have to note is the beauty inside, let that be the main thing that attracts you to her. Don't confuse being captivated by the way she looks with the way you feel about her, because sometimes you would think you in love with her but only to find that you just admire her beauty, if that's how it is then just admire. One the point of admiring : Big up to all the guys who complement their ladies with how beautiful they look and respecting them at all times, ladies really like that.... keep it up. "This is open for discussion guys, you know better that a lady can explain,after all it happens to you".

Ladies if wearing make-up makes you feel beautiful, then wear it,
if you feel beautiful wearing that short skirt or dress, why not..
Don't limit yourself on the things that makes you feel good about yourself and please do respect that beauty and nurture it because you can determine if it will remain or fade away. I mean you are your own best friend, so if you abuse yourself, you have no one but yourself to blame. 
What i mean about abusing yourself is not taking good care of yourself and doing any negative thing in the name of beauty.

You are beautiful in your own special way, don't compare yourself with someone else, what you can learn from another person is to value and respect yourself. You might not have the perfect body or looks as the common tag line used every time says, but I say who's perfect anyway? we created differently and the confidence that you have and the beauty within is worth it.
Love and appreciate yourself as you are, if someone doesn't like the way you are, don't worry you really cannot please everyone, there is someone out there who loves u as you are, who respects you as you are and who will never compare you to any other beautiful lady."You are beautiful in your own way,never doubt that and don't loose that confidence." 
Don't loose your touch by just being ordinary, be extra ordinary and always look and feel good.


Written on August 27, 2009 at 11:16pm

It began when u were young with a toy on your hand saying "It’s yours" that you’ve grown up what is it that you call "Your Own”. 

Well in your daily life you experience a lot of challenges, good &bad...regardless of what u go through keep your head up and remain order to say: that car is ¤Mine¤ you got to work hard for say: that house is ¤Mine¤ u got to have a plan in hand and work towards achieving that goal ...remember  that to get to the top you must work as hard as you can for there’s nothing that comes easy, and there’s nothing that is difficult to achieve if you set your mind to it...advantage is::You work hard & live easy. 

To say that Man/Woman is ¤Mine¤ you must be knowing that person, loving, caring, respectful & honest. Note that you cannot claim what’s yours without showing it and making an effort ...Before you can say::¤Dats¤Mine¤ make sure that you have put your time, sleepless nights and hard work on it. As for the lover’s corner…. He/she is yours based on the love and commitment you have for each other, tying the knot is making it official, so do the right thing declare something to be yours once you've set an appropriate plan to achieve it.
Good Luck in making yours… 

Your Little Book

Have a book of your own personal lifestyle

In Life learn to have a book of your lifestyle and be your own guide. From the short story I've learned that you not always wrong, because as human u make choices according to how you feel, and think it’s the best choice at hand. Again I’ve learned that you should appreciate the love u given and cherish it. .as much as God is the one who knows d love we have and the love we deserve, he brings love to us in many ways...never live to regret because it’s painful to miss something u once had and cannot be able to have it back. Think before you decide on what you want to do and ask yourself how that it’s going to help or benefit you in future, because it’s all in your hands.

Never spend your life wishing! You have a chance now to better your life by knowing what you want and where you going and who you going there with. Loneliness is the worst pain ever, because it bring back all the things you have been through, nevertheless remember that you are human, you've made mistakes but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road for you. Remember the path is filled of a package, and it’s narrow but truth is there'll always be a light and a destination, hence I say it starts with you and ends with you my friend. Treasure what you are blessed with today and never take for granted the love you are given.  Your Future is in your hands, you decide how your world, your tomorrow will be and that starts today, now that you are reading this.
An instant opportunity comes ones, but if you miss it, don’t give up because there's space for correction and improvement
Remember how you used to think yesterday is different from the way you think today and your maturity level will guide you on the brighter site of life .

To Whom it may touch.,

If it's worth the moment, it's worth to be told and shared. 
Moments in our lives, however great and meaningful, come to pass. Haven't we always wished such moments never come to end? Choose to recapture and relive those moments that left you in awe, enthralled, overjoyed, speechless, or even tearful. Simply said, moments that took your breath away. 

Every day is special; every smile u share today has a great and positive influence in your life. Imagine if u had to cry more than u smile...chances a u wouldn't even enjoy life, appreciate and all the best lessons that come with it. Yes u made mistakes and that lowers your self-esteem but come on...get over it , smile about it and laugh out loud if u have to. .you not perfect anyway, don't please people / become hard on yourself noooo your too special for yourself. 

I Nthabi, have made mistakes, blamed myself, cried and got myself into pains and stresses...but that didn't benefit me at all and it will never do, never in a million years. You want know where my inspiration comes from? Well it comes from all the wrong turns I've experienced...instead of them breaking me, they a building me...put a smile on your face and say I'm special , I can control how I look into life..***it takes a smile to make a dark day seem bright.


Lerato is a strange thing. It is a flower so delicate that a touch will bruise it &so strong that nothing will stop its growth. Think how often we miss Lerato in a lifetime by a wrong gesture, by an unspoken word, by not keeping silent at the right time.

We lose it by the interference of other people, quarrels over a trifle, lack of appreciation regardless whether it’s a small thing. Getting comfortable in love to a point where you no longer know its meaning. Lerato is definitely unpredictable because today's love might differ from tomorrow’s love. The interesting thing about Lerato is that it has an ending or lasts forever but it’s Unforgettable.

Everyone wants to be loved. Meaning Lerato lives within us, keeps us connected to our Physical, Social & Emotional needs. Cherish every moment of Love & insure that your satisfied for you may never know what Lerato will be taken away from you /even better not being taken but seeing the end of it. "We meant to be together" I’ve learned that Love is not a fairy-tale u got to build a solid foundation for good love and appreciate every part of it.. Truth is you just never know what tomorrow holds. Showing your love to that special one builds a fatal believe in them &happiness of seeing that luv! When love develops you enjoy it and embrace it. When love ends u lament but lamenting won’t determine your happiness. Let’s enjoy Lerato... care for it...Respect it... Celebrate it...

                        Matters of the heart are known by the people feeling them,
Often time’s people judge you for the decisions you make or try to make decisions according to what they think they know, yet you are the one feeling that. As much as we can have different experiences in love, each person has his/her own view on matters of love.
Some find love in many different, unexpected ways, only you know how you found your love. Like I said matters of the heart are known by two people in love, third person will have an idea but won’t understand the feeling the two have…so let’s leave this to the one’s feeling and having it hey...
May God be your guide &Judge in every Moment of your Lerato.

*Why Are You With Me???*                                                 

2010 Article: 

Do you Love me?Are you with me because you Love me?Or you’re with me to get a piece of me & goAre you with me because I
look beautiful?
Are you with me because I look like a marriage type?Are you with me because I can be your housewife, keeping your house up to date?Are you with me because your friends think I am the right one for U?Are U?

Why are you with her?
Why are you with him?
Are you with her because you don't have a choice?Are you with him because he has all the money in the world?Are you with him because you’re scared you will never find someone again?Are you there because all your relationships broke-down, now u don't have a choice?

Are U?Be with me because you love meBe with me because you know you want meBe with me because I’m beautiful in the insideBe with her because you felt the connectionBe with him because you love who he is, not what he has or what he has becomeBe in it for Love, if you not in it for love, then you never know where you have to be.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

Who are you & what are you doing in my life?

Hello there,please take a moment to think about the people in your life and the roles that they play.
How important are they in your life?
Are they worth being kept in your life?
Are you benefiting any positive thing from them?
Are you cornered or forced to have them in your life?

This are some of the few questions one can make an introspection about when thinking about the people in their lives.

You are born in various environments where you always have that someone to look up to or turn to when you need guidance or help. The people in your life includes family, friends, acquaintances,colleagues or partner, so I don't want us to talk much about family because you have your family before anything or anyone else.

As one matures to make their own decisions in life, there are so many things to take into consideration, some among others is the fact that you have to be responsible for any decision you making.
We are still touching on the people in your life, as much as one would like to be friends with almost anyone it it highly impossible. People are different in their own ways so it's impossible to click with any of them. 

One can agree on the point that, in life you have to associate yourself with people who will innovate your life, people that can give you a right direction to the path of life. "Don't get confused dear friend, at the end of anything that anyone says to you, you make the final choices", just needed to make that clear. 
 Let's be realistic here, who wants to have friends with someone with bad influence, a colleague who is jealous of the good work you do, a boy/girlfriend who doesn't support you on your goals etc. well I for one wouldn't want that and I am sure you also don't want that too right?, cool.
Basically the point that I am making to you is to say, you can have many people in your life, that play different roles, the key factor is for you to have the principle of learning how to choose the right people or how to associate yourself with the right people. 
It is as simple as that, if you have someone in your life, yet you feel like that person exists just by name, then step aside, don't compromise in-terms of what can benefit you and help you become a better you. Everyone has a choice of what they want in life, so have your standards and invite good things in your life , good people in your life. 
Don't spend your lifetime in a company of people that strains or stresses you, you deserve a smile in your face, you deserve great friendship, great relationship and the best of anything in life. Don't have guilt in doing what is best for you, at the end of the day it's about you and what makes you happy. 
As I conclude our talk, please note that you deserve the best, never settle for anything less that you deserve, have pride and appreciate the wonderful people in your life and thank them for all the things they do for you. Don't feel bad that you being choosy in-terms of who you want to associate yourself with, it's a personal choice that will benefit you and make you a good role model to someone else one day. 
Be inspired, 
Listen, Learn & Teach

Monday 21 October 2013

Don't Worry, Be Happy

When you think of the word happiness, you just smile and glow. 
Fact is this is one of the most common things people relate with, that is being happy.

If one can ask you to list all the things that makes you happy, surely you would fill up a note book with over a 100 pages.

Where does happiness come from and when does one realize they are happy???
Someone out there is reading this and what comes to mind is love makes me happy. Often you've found friends talking, " I wish to get a man / woman that makes me happy,"hold it right there! are you saying your happiness lies on finding that man or woman?,no need to answer this one now, maybe later.

Happiness is an emotion or a feeling that one has in a positive way, influenced by positive things. 
The best happiness you can find is from within, agree or disagree?? which ever one you decide you have your reasons. Let's get to this...

You, yes you can bring happiness into your life, often times you get faced with the challenges of life, some are good, some are not so pleasant, you rise and fall, you love , get heartbroken ..the list goes on, as hard as it could be, a smile, laughter,joy and yes happiness is needed always.

#Happiness Advice

Find something that makes you feel good about yourself, it can be
  •  going to watch a movies at a cinema(not at your house)
  • going to your favorite clothing shop for that designer shoe or shirt
  • attending a concert,playing sports. etc

    The list continues, Note that your happiness is complete once it starts with you, don't make a mistake of relying on someone else to make you happy, because you and only you knows what makes you happy, just imagine if you didn't know what makes you happy, would you expect the next person to know?didn't think so. So make an introspection of what makes you tick and brings a smile to your face. Don't worry about what others would say or think about you, don't compromise your happiness, truth is you understand how you feel more that anyone else.

Let today be the day where you stop limiting yourself from being happy. Life is too short to always be in pain, lamenting day in day out, kick the negativity out of your way and do you. 

Don't forget to invite the people who make you more happier than you already are in your life,
It can be your friend, your lover ...u mention it 
Don't shut them out, share that joy, smile and happiness with the ones who deserve it.

Be Happy!!

Friday 18 October 2013

It is possible

There were times when i felt like giving up,

#Memory.. I remember going for my first interview when i was beginning my 3rd semester at University of North West, I tried to convince myself that when I get the job I will register distance learning, and right there I was being a coward and not giving my books enough attention.
I did not get the Job ,looking back I am glad I didn't get the job, else I wouldn't be where I am now.

This talk is not about me, It is about making you aware that it is possible to complete your matric, to finish Tertiary and continue with higher academic learning, if you not studying note that this also applies to you, It is possible to identify your talents and purposes in life. Just because you couldn't go to university doesn't mean your a failure, "You become a failure once you sit and do nothing with your life."

Never make a mistake of comparing yourself with others, seek guidance on which path to take in making it possible.

~Being a graduate means you had the courage to keep pushing even when the going was tough, and it also means you can go further only if you keep pushing and believing that It is possible.

"Become a graduate before you graduate... declare that I can do it and I will do it"
"They say it's impossible,make it possible".

Thursday 10 October 2013

Invest In Yourself

I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. 
― Mother Teresa

Hi there, before you can begin with understanding the topic:Invest in yourself, let me ask you this, how often have you heard this questions, What can you tell me about yourself? you get this question from a person you just met, your friend, lecturer or from an interviewer.

Now how do you answer this question?Well believe it or not there are many ways to answer this question, also your response is often influenced by the type of audience you engaging with. For example when answering this type of question , you have to note that as much as you are asked to talk about yourself , you must be selective and have an area of focus, area of focus doesn't mean you are making limitations on what you have to say but selecting specific words about yourself. 

The simplest example again can be the difference between talking to your parents or friends. 
This can be a question that is misunderstood or noted more but truth is, it is very important, it teaches you about understanding your own self.

Investing in yourself means you build something of your own, something that will be of good use to your life and future. 
It's important to understand why you need to invest in yourself, as an individual you have the final word to what you need in life, especially if your at a mature age where you are able to make your own decisions.
Every person on earth was born having both a mother and a father, but not everyone was raised with both a mother and a father. Being raised by one parent has it's own challenges, similar to being raised by two parent but at the end of the day you are raised. Often times we are told that Charity begins at home, meaning from the time of your birth, how you are raised and taught the house rules until your parent/s take you to varsity or allow you to leave your own life. I will not dwell much on how you should be raised but simply say the type of environment you where raised in cannot determine the way you want to leave in future. The knowledge you have acquired and  choices that you make help to determine your outcomes in life, also your lifespan is dictated by your responsibility.

Dependence and Independence: You are depended if you still get rely on someone else,e.g parents and you are independent if you are not relying on the help of anyone.
Explaining this two keywords is mainly to differentiate the roles and responsibilities of a person as they grow. 

Ways to Invest in yourself
  • Do the things that make you happy,
    e.g play sports, join gym, ice skating,go for a holiday

  • Educate yourself
    Attend career seminors, leadership events

  • Obtain your learning certificates and degrees
    Study a course you love and make something of your life out of it

  • Start your own business
    Invest in what you have learned by making it pay off

  • Volunteer to help disadvantaged people
    Be a helping hand to the needy. 
    Teach someone else what you know

  • Set your own target of achievements
    Manage your time and note your progress

  • Have a structured plan of what you want to accomplish

You might be reading this and thinking, but i don't leave alone on earth I have a family, friends,kids,lover
If I invest in myself what about them?
Well as we said in the beginning , you alone can make your own choices, investing in yourself thus not make it difficult to care or consider others, but note that before anyone else its You and You alone. Before you got into a relationship /marriage, it was just you. Before you got a kids, it was you or friends it was just you, so investing in you helps you to became a better person in life.

If you are not happy, it's difficult to make the next person happy. It is through you where you get to find the real joy and happiness before you can give it to someone else. Have a stage in your life where you also want to see yourself paying for your studies, having your own secured job, home, car ,family etc. That is investing in yourself because that degree or job you have will open doors for you, that business that you have will take care of your family one day. It is no different if your a man or a woman bottom line is you must have your own independence and stability. If there is something that can never be taken away from you is your Knowledge, and you get that by Learning, which makes it important for you to be friends with being educated, because it is the key many closed doors waiting to be opened.
Do not wait for tomorrow, take advantage of the opportunities in front of you and make that investment. It might not give you the results same time but as time progresses it will all pay off. The best thing about this investment is that it will not only benefit you but it will benefit those around you. It can be your family or anyone who looks up to you, therefore your personal investment can be rewarding to you and those around you.

Do not worry yourself about the downfalls you come across in life, just have the courage to keep moving forward no matter the situation. You will get compliments and you will be criticized for what you do but as long as you believe in yourself enough to know that you are confidently stepping on your path to becoming a better you. 
Invest in your life today, believe that you are where you are today for a purpose, let not your yesterdays stop you from enjoying life or stop you from achieving anything you believe and set your mind into.
As you begin your Journey, best wishes goes to you...while you at it don't forget that you will come across trials and tribulations of life just hold on and never give up. ~Keep it real & Thanks for reading. 

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Real Talk With Nthabiseng: Memories

Real Talk With Nthabiseng: Memories: The Word Memory brings smiles or sadness to people's lives. Some memories are unforgettable,some memories are hard to be forgotten ...


The Word Memory brings smiles or sadness to people's lives. Some memories are unforgettable,some memories are hard to be forgotten even if you try, sounds ironic? Well how often have you tried to get something off your mind but still cannot? One may answer by saying, it's because you resist to forget, another can answer by saying I tried for years but I cannot forget, Ok enough about that question.

We still on memories~ Often times we find ourselves in situations we never imagined, in places we never even thought of, doing everything we want and how we want, any Idea where I'm going with this? Well let me break it down step by step, from early stages of maturing you had advantages of being taught, you learned, made mistakes and learned again from mistakes as time progresses.

"Take a moment to remember what happened in your life 2years ago, not 10 not 5 but two years ago", imagine it from the way you looked, viewed life,studied,partied,loved,worked etc.

 Ok now that you did that task can you then differentiate the two years to today? Is it still the same?yes?no?. If the answer is yes, well you must be loving comfort, if No, mmmmh very interesting, you know why because you have build a memories hence you can tell the difference. I hope you in line with what I'm saying, or not...? Well let me break it down some more for you&get to the point, surely you getting there now.

Your Memories are Worth It regardless of how bad or great they can be..
In order for you to learn from a mistake you did, you look back on you previous mistake and find a way to change the strategy to fixing the problem: one might ask how do I find that strategy and how will I know if I am making the right choice or not, well truth is even a genius needs abit of help once in awhile, so if you tried becoming a better you using the same strategy of relying on your own decision, well it doesn't always work like that, don't get me wrong you make the final decision but guidance and knowledge is required to make your decision. 

Please memorize that "You cannot rely only on your own understanding, accept that sometimes you need help and guidance". Yes, Memories we are still here, Let's say it happened that you made your parent, teacher or anyone who you look upto proud one day, what do you get on that day?Compliments, acknowledgment and appreciation of your success,what do you do when such an event happen?you become happy,proud & confident for such a breakthrough, again what's all this?,you guessed it/Not its Memories. 

Everything that happens in your life it's a memory and the wonderful things about memories is that you get to carry them throughout your lifetime and they help you in making better choices and becoming a better person in the process. You might be reading now and thinking but what about the disturbing,emotional,hurting,embarrassing memories that just tear you apart just thinking about them, well it's simple and straight forward We all want to be the best, we all want best health, best families,best friends,best lovers, best lives, we want we want but Reality is we can't always get the best that we want, when we want,ok enough about the wants. 

Please take this moment to remember the pains you went through from a loss, failure ,being abused or hurt, no a nice request hey*teary eyes* well painful, sad as it was you are still here and standing strong, meaning it wasn't easy but it was worth it because you managed to be this far, yes you managed,even if you still haven't healed properly, you have survived and still can survive more.

 Don't settle for people Judging you, or feeding you with worlds like all that you are it's because of me, all that you have its because of no no I mean who's that to say that to you, God?I didn't think so. So your growth #Memories have really helped you to be where you are today and regardless of how they were they carried you through. Yesterday was another day of one among many memories in your life,you are here today focusing ahead with yesterday's memory.

Remember at the beginning we spoke about mistakes and doing good?well if you do, you really are following. So to summarize that statement of memories of mistakes and memories of doing good: "You become a better person from the mistakes that you did".
 "You are not wrong to have mistakes, it's a learning process which prepares you for your future".
You are not born to be a failure, or to give up on life, You are born to make something good with your life, no matter how big or small, it is all worth it"surely you know that it's the little things you do that counts, so if your talent on earth is to make that then its all worth it". Even you with a bigger purpose in life, it's worth it as well. The good memories you have can open many doors for you, or they can close many doors for you, surprised? Well yes it is possible because at some point one tend to think I'm good so what! No one can tell me anything !!!big NO monitor your attitude and approach to your life and actions, even you with the mistakes you did, don't think if you don't learn from them you will be any better, you'll still be on point A stack from moving ahead...back to the good the pride you brought when you made that breakthrough can really take you places and make you to be more focused and determined,so be grateful and take note of your memories of life.

Memories are beautiful, 
Memories are sad,
Memories bring darkness,
Memories bring light,
Memories build you,
Memories break you,
Memories are all in your hands,
Memories can guide you & 
You can choose what you want to
 do with your Memories.

RealTalkWithNthabi concludes this section by saying this : Appreciate every single memory you have and often look back from where it all began, and count your successes out of all the past & present memories. If you choose to avoid your past memories,you aren't forced to remember them, your choice might work for you and not for someone else, so basically do what makes you happy, at the end of every word, sentence, every level or Journey a choice&decision must be made & you make that final choice. You wish for the best memories, that will make your life worth living, that will bring smiles on your face right?Ok then,Happy Memories to you, may they bring love,joy,success,peace&forgiveness in your heart. 

Thanks for taking your time to read Memories, appreciated.