Monday 15 August 2016

RTWN Sanitary Towels and Deodorant Campaign

The best gift you can give someone is your time because you’re giving them something that you’ll never get back.
Girls that miss class due to periods and not having sanitary towels will never get that time back, Boys that miss class due to not having roll- on, low-self-esteem, and bullies who laugh at them for a bad odour will never get that time back.
If we can give them the time to stay in school, to focus on their education, to be confident and believe in themselves enough to say “Nothing is going to stop me from achieving my goal”
Let’s be grateful for the knowledge that we have acquired, and let’s share it with our future leaders.
You don’t have to have a lot to help, just be willing to share the little that you have with others.
Your support and assistance to this young girls and boys will never be forgotten. By the time they reach their goals, they will remember that one day someone was kind enough to help me regain my confidence, someone was kind enough to help me stay in school.
Don’t worry about how much you can help, but worry about not encouraging others to help. If you buy groceries each month, challenge yourself to add an extra item of sanitary towels and roll on, until the nation hears our cry for free sanitary towels, until we get equipment’s that will help generate more towels and roll on at less costs , then you and I have work to do.


Real Talk With Nthabi

There's a chance to change, there is a chance to do better and be better. It all starts with You!

The reality is that you are the change that you seek.
You need to get yourself to a point where you are ready to embark on a journey towards changing your life for the better. It will not be easy, it will not happen overnight and remember that it is possible.
FOR ME, the journey towards positive change was one filled with ups and downs.

Failing grade 10 was my most painful life experience and a point where I realised that I needed to change my life.
On the day of the results my mother accompanied me to school. I saw and felt the disappointment in her eyes, when she saw my results. 

I got home, with a deep pain coming from my stomach , all that was going through my mind was I have disappointed my parents, I have wasted every single cent they spend on me.

My dad set us down with my brother & he asked "Maikaelelo a lona ke eng?" meaning What are your aspirations? 

I said to my dad crying, Papa I am going to work hard, I don't understand why I failed but I will repeat and make sure I pass well.
Right there and then I took a decision to change & that decision I carried it with me till I matriculated and graduated. Not only did that help me pass, but it helped.

Life’s lessons
Though I had obstacles along the way, I always remembered my decision and the promise I made to my parents.

Never take decisions you took early in your life for granted, today's decision is tomorrows future'

i have seen what hard word
I have seen what hard work can do and
I know what more it can and will do
You don’t just wake up and expect things to come or go your way without any effort . You work hard for what you want and more importantly what you deserve. Every opportunity in your life requires your hard work , and I believe it is Automated. God would never give you anything you cannot handle. God would never give you an opportunity that you aren’t capable of taking and making it the best.
The less you stress or talk about what you don’t have or what you wish you could have, always ask yourself this question:
What am I doing about it?
What efforts am I putting in achieving my goal?
It will never be easy , the key is to keep focused, motivated and working hard.

Thursday 11 June 2015

Bring Back That Lost Confidence.

Your plans have failed , Your dream is now shuttered.This is all because you were told you can't do it.
Eliminate the word CAN'T from your vocabulary and stay away from people who wan't to change what seem to be the best thing in your life.
You don't need negative people.
Not everyone will understand your vision , and not everyone is expected to , so don't let life pull you down.
You have the power to make or break yourself. The truth of all truths is that most don't really cares what's happening with you , yet you keep sucking up to get attention and end up loosing that powerful part of you.
Today will never be the same as yesterday, unless you allow it to be the same.
I choose to make today better than yesterday, the road is straight, it doesn't have a turn back sign, if it does it's the end of the road, find the one that will lead you to your destination!
‪#‎WhatIfTheNextRoadEnds‬?You will never know until you try!
Trust God..He wouldn't put you in any situation you cannot handle.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Personal Branding

Find yourself !
If you don't have direction,
If you don't have a plan,
If you don't have the vision,
If you don't execute..
Nothing will change.
If you don't take yourself and your decisions serious, don't expect anyone else to.. It starts with you.
Start by building your brand ,
That brand is your name..
That brand is your talent..
That brand is your vision ..
That brand is your dignity ..
That brand is your image ..
That brand is your health ..
That brand is your future ..
Youth month comes once every year but what you do each day proves who you are , what your about..
Focus on you ! build You ! Encourage You! Motivate You! Empower You..